First Moroccan Film Scan

Today I received my Morocco films back from the lab. They're Kodak Portra shots, C41 Processing, which means they are negatives. No contact sheets, so I'm just going through each roll, blind. This is the very first image I've just scanned tonight, and it's apparent to me that I will be shooting film for portraits from now on.


I was shooting all my material on film until about a year ago. It's been a trial to move to digital because it simply doesn't respond the same way or look similar. Digital's biggest drawback is in the realm of portraiture. I'm sure I'll be rubbing a lot of people up the wrong way, but I know because I've tried both. Rather than browse the internet for opinions, look at the images for proof, or better still, try it out for yourself.

Digital just doesn't have this look to it. The skin tones are hard to reproduce in digital, and well, there's something organic about film to my eye.

This was shot in Marrakech, near the main square. He's quite hip isn't he? I like his gelled hair, and he was very approachable. He is a modern Moroccan whereas many of the others I photographed seemed to come from a much older time.

I found a lot of the locals in Marrakech were very warm and friendly to each other, but not to the tourists.

It was a hard place to photograph as the camera is treated as a serious intrusion to their lives and religion. But now and then I'd meet someone who was a willing participant. I'll post more in the coming days as I work through the films.