Geisha Podcast

Following on from yesterday's post, I'm delighted to show you a podcast about the Geisha. It's 2 minutes long.  (please click on the four arrow icon next to the Vimeo logo to see it full screen).

It's always a real pleasure to do these - it's a great way to transport myself back to the time and place when I made the images. Writing the script also helps me reconnect with the experiences I had whilst on location.

I know many people who love these little movies so I hope you enjoy this one.

Sometimes I receive comments asking why I've stopped doing podcasts. I haven't - I only do them when I've got something worth showing you. Finding new projects, researching places to go, working on making new images and then putting a podcast together requires a lot of time and effort outside my workshop business. Rather than throw  something out frequently, which wouldn't be very good at all, I'd much rather wait until I'm happy that the quality is there.  I do plan to make new podcasts as and when I work on new projects. But they will be spread far apart.

One last thing - if you subscribe to my iTunes podcast, you will receive a download of this onto your iPod / iPhone / iPad next time you connect. If you aren't subscribed to my iTunes podcast, you can subscribe here.

The music is copyright © Keith Kenniff / Unseen Music. This beautiful track is from the Goldmund album 'Famous Places'. The music has been reproduced with special permission and special license by the artist.