Eigg Podcast

I've just had some spare time to put together a little podcast about the Isle of Eigg - you will need a decent pair of speakers to enjoy this.

Please click on the image to play the podcast

I have had some very kind permission by Macmaster & Hay to use the title track of their album 'Reason & Love' for this podcast, so if  you enjoy the music, please do give their album a listen at myspace at :www.myspace.com/macmasterhay

Macmaster & Hay tell me their album 'Reason & Love' is available from www.codamusic.co.uk if you would like to buy a copy - which I can recommend very much.

I find the music very appropriate for this podcast. I'd been thinking for a while that if I were to do the isle of Eigg justice, it would be great to use some Scottish music for it and I feel I've found the perfect partner. The sea sounds were recorded on Laig bay while I was making photographs earlier this year (April) and Adam - you'll know just the very moment I made the recording as you were there at the time.

So I do hope you enjoy this podcast. I get such a buzz out of putting them together. They allow me to reflect on my own photographic-journey, where I've been, where I'm at and where I'm perhaps going. Yep, I'm a hippy at heart really.