Assynt & Inverpolly, Scottish Highlands
Assynt & Inverpolly, Scottish Highlands
Price: £2,395
Initial deposit: £688.5
2nd Deposit of £688.5 due six months before tour start date
5-Day Photographic Workshop
Date: March 2 - 7, 2026
In the far north west lies some of the most distinctive mountains of Scotland. Stac Pollaidh, Suilven, Canisp and Cul Mor dominate the landscape, yet there is an abundance of wide open space. This is real highland countryside with some dramatic coastal scenery to boot.
Informal small group setting
Bruce likes to run his photography-workshops in a friendly, intimate group setting. This trip has a maximum group size of six.
Unlike a lot of workshops with up to 12 or 16 people on them, running with a smaller number allows everyone to have space in which to photograph. It also means more quality time for Bruce with each participant.
Please note: this is a workshop, not a tour. Its main aim is to teach you composition and visual awareness principles over a 5-day period. Although we are in a beautiful setting with dramatic scenery, the main reason for being here is to learn. As such each day is split into sunrise shoot / middle of the day critique sessions and an evening shoot. The critique sessions are particularly valuable to most participants as I'm able to give feedback on compositional problems and how to move forward with your work.
Required Fitness Level
Moderate Grading
Most locations are close to the vehicle. But you should be able to walk for up to 20 minutes up & down slopes and over uneven and boggy ground with your tripod and backpack.
There are some rocky beaches so you should be confident moving around a rocky terrain.
What's included
• 5 Nights Bed, Breakfast & Evening Dinner• Transportation between shooting locations
• One to One Guidance & Group Guidance
• Photoshop 'digital darkroom' techniques
• Extensive notes
• Sole room occupancy - no single suppliment
• Packed Lunch
Planning your vacation time
Inverness airport is small, with just a few flights a day. I would recommend that you may need to add an additional nights stay at the start and end of the trip in Inverness in order to get a connection that works. please consider this when booking this trip as it may extend your required vacation time.
Payment Terms
Three incremental payments:• Initial Depost of 30% is required to secure your booking.
• Second deposit of 30% six months before the start date.
• Final balance due 3 months before tour start date.
Cancellation Policy
The deposit should be regarded as non-refundable, as we have to pay a deposit to our 3rd party suppliers (hotels, studio spaces, tour operators, guides, etc.) in advance to guarantee the services we have booked on your behalf. In the event of a cancellation initiated by you, should there be any costs that are refundable, we will do our utmost to make a refund to you. All cancellations incur a £250 administrative fee (deducted from any refund) for covering the resources involved in the refilling process.Second Deposit & Final Balance
There is a 2nd deposit required six months before the trip commencement date. The final balance is due 3 months prior to trip departure.Your space is only secured if payment is made on time. We reserve the right to cancel your space if we cannot get in touch with you or your final payment is past due.
Terms & conditions
Please feel free to read our terms & conditions