
I'm going to be going off the radar for the next week or so. Heading back up north to Skye to do some research for some future workshops for my business, but in the meantime, thought I'd leave you all with one of the new images I've been working on.

Shot in Jaisamler in Rajasthan, earlier this year. I took this with a Contax 645 and standard lens shot at f2. Sadhus are holly men, but I often felt that they had become so used to generating a nice income from the local tourist trade. I will put it another way, often I didn't have to approach Sadhu's for pictures, rather they would approach me whether I wanted to take their photo or not.

But they do make excellent subjects. I had made some more black and white contact sheets today and this shot was just so gorgeous I had to make a large black and white print of it. I had no idea just how it looked in colour until I chose the same negative to scan when I got back to my home.

I feel I've hit the tip of the iceberg in terms of potential images. Somehow, I think I needed time away from these images when I got home from India. The entire trip was so overwhelming. Space, a little bit of distance and all of a sudden I'm ready to take the task of working on 100 rolls of film on board. I feel very wary - I've got to becareful I don't rush, as I may pass an image which has great potential. I think it's just going to take a lot of time.