I went to the Orkneys during the summer. I'd never been before so I was really keen to try to photograph there. But it's a difficult group of Islands to photograph. On one hand it has some really stunning archeological remains and some of the most impressive stone circles, but it also has some of the most barren, bare, windy landscapes I've experienced.
It was often a test to see if I could stand upright, let alone even set up the camera. Many of the locations were shut due to the extreme winds too.
But I did manage to make a couple of shots I'm pleased with. I got to the island of Hoy, where the 'Old man of Hoy' is. I did venture out there to make a picture of this sea stack, but again the weather was against me. So I settled back in Rackwick bay and shot this beautiful coast line. Some of the stones here are very beautiful.