Assynt Portfolio

In the last week of December 2009, I spent most of it in a camper van in the far north west of Scotland - specifically, the area known as Assynt. Suilven, Assynt, Sutherland

I love this area very much, and since I'm keen to do an Assynt workshop (October 22-27), I felt that I needed to gather together some good images of the landscape. So without further delay, you're very welcome to view my new Assynt portfolio.

As you can probably gather by the dates specified above, I've also set up a corresponding workshop for Assynt which you can find out more about here.

This landscape is in the far north west of Scotland, about 1 hours drive from Inverness. But what I love about it, is that it's not on the tourist trail as much as some other locations in Scotland. Unjustified as it is, I think it's predominantly because it's a little bit more out of the way.