Upcoming eBooks

Since I've just released my first eBook, it is perhaps timely to tell you about some publications that I've been working on for the past few months.

Writing a book about my processes is perhaps much easier if I'm able to draw up a 'road map' of further titles that cover different aspects of photography. The Taj Mahal book was a joy to write - using a setting such as the Taj Mahal to explore my motivations and therefore, approach to making images of a location was very satisfying to re-live. But it was clear to me that there are other avenues I need to write about and so I'm really pleased to give you advanced notice of the forthcoming eBooks:

Simplifying Composition

One of the things that I cover a lot on my workshops is composition. It's amazing just how much people actually 'know' about photography, yet don't employ this knowledge. In this book, which will be the next one to come out, I've got some diagrams (drawn by myself!) as illustrations as to why some of my own images work. As usual, there will be a nice collection of images in high-resolution from my trips around the world - Scotland, Iceland, Bolivia for example.

A Photographer's Compendium

Everything you should know, from shooting in the field to post production. A collection of articles such as process-methods I use in the field to Photoshop post processing to monitor calibration. The essentials you should know and get into the habit of employing each time you make new images.


One thing I don't seem to be so well known for, is my portraiture work. Well, this book is really a collection of my best Portraiture work with essays about my approach for each of the images in the book.


40 Photographs, inspired by Ansel Adams book of the same name.

Currently Available

At the moment, if you're not aware of this - 'The Taj Mahal - a photographer's approach' eBook is now available from my online store!