30 rolls for July

I'm heading off to Mallaig today. I've got a private client for a week on Eigg. I thought I'd post a little contact sheet (click for enlarged version) of the images I worked on this week.

I find the 'process' really interesting as I knew that some of the images that are present on this contact sheet were made in haste (during a workshop) or were made at times when I was feeling very tired and exhausted.

I remember, for instance, not feeling up to making many images whilst I was on North Uist and Barra, yet the results are very positive considering. I love to consider all the aspects of 'creativity'. How our moods can affect what we choose to shoot (or not to shoot) and how we interpret what is around us.

I don't think these are my best images by a long shot (just my own standards talking here), but I do find a lot of them very satisfying. I think as creatives, we need to be kind to our creativity. Setting the benchmark too high and we grind to a halt, unable to produce anything. Set the benchmark too low and we create mediocrity. There were a lot of failed images from the sheets of film, and perhaps that is where my tiredness came into the equation. Perhaps the successes are those moments when I felt really inspired or got caught in the moment. I don't know for sure, but I do like to wonder about the creative process and how we can create something from nothing.

After all, at the beginning of the week, these images didn't exist as far as I was concerned.