my first book

Just back from my Skye workshop. So i'm a wee bit tired, but the trip went well. I'm almost done writing the first draft of my very first hard bound book.

I'm hoping to have it released next year, but thought that I might release an e-book version of it before then (maybe for Christmas). The book will contain 40 images culled from my portfolio containing a mixture of landscape and portraiture from Easter Island, Patagonia, Nepal, India, Portugal, Iceland and of course Scotland.  I think it would be nice to release it as an eBook, but the idea is that it will come out as a nice coffee-table edition - roughly around the size and dimensions of an Vinyl LP. I'm hoping to release it as a strictly limited edition run of 3,000 copies, with the first 500 accompanied by a tipped in photo of the front cover image.

Anyway, for those of you who are Ansel Adams fans, you've probably noticed that the title is identical to his. This is in part homage to him, and also because I think it's a great way of representing what I do, under a first edition book.