Beyond Words at Stills Gallery

One of the UK's leading photographic book shops - Beyond Words, is going to be at this years Edinburgh Festival.

I love good quality photographic books, and because of this, I'm keen to help support small specialised book stores as much as I can. Amazon can maybe compete with price, but there's something to be said about speaking to someone who has a breadth of knowledge about photographers, knows their work really well, and also knows about their published work to date.

Neil has a great selection of photographic books. For me, it's like being let loose in a sweetie (candy) store. I find this one of the best things - being able to find out about other artists and their work.

If you're going to be in Scotland during August, you can find Neil & Co from Beyond Words with a host of books for browsing (and buying) at Stills Gallery (23 Cockburn Street, EH1 1BP) from Tuesday the 8th to Saturday the 13th of August (11am to 7pm).