
As part of my ongoing project to produce a book about Iceland, I've had to dig out my biography and look at what might be relevant for the release of the book.

It's almost a ridiculous thing to say - but I'd completely forgotten that in 2007, one of my images - an image of Selfoss waterfall in the north east of Iceland, was used on two stamps in a fetching panoramic design.

I got in touch with Grafískur hönnuður, the graphic design company who worked on this for SEPAC (Small European Postal  Administration Communities) organisation. Borgar, my contact there - sent me the original Photoshop file today, so we can include it as part of the intro wrapped inside the dust jacket of the book.

All this digging up the past, has unravelled a few things for me. First, I'd forgotten about the stamp and I hadn't made the connection between it and my forthcoming book. But also, Borgar told me that the stamp won 4th place in the Deutsche Briefmarken-Revue “most beautful stamp in Europe competition” 2007!

How great is that?

Well, I guess that's a really nice surprise for today. It makes me wonder, just where I've been, and where I'm heading. My iceland book seems to be evolving (still - considering that I thought that the design was complete). So when a piece of work is done, it's never truly done is it? Things have a way of resurfacing and coming back full circle into your artistic life. Be it revisiting a place, revisiting work you did, or working on something new. The act of creating new work based on themes from your past can uncover so much and it's always worth taking a moment to consider who you were then and who you are now. It's only with some distance that I'm often able to be objective about 'what I am'.