It's been long overdue.
I'm a portrait / street photographer as well as a landscape photographer. And it's been a good few years since I made any portrait shots. My trusty Contax 645 film camera has been gathering dust, and in this time, I've been focussing very hard on building a photographic workshop business.
Everything needs balance. Too much landscape work, has left me hankering to go out there and make some new portraits. Only thing is.... I'm not exactly sure where to go. I have the whole of July free, and also December. Ladakh has been on my list for a long time, but I feel a sense of inertia in booking flights there for this July. This makes me feel as if there may be another story waiting to appear and take my attention. Bhutan is also somewhere I would love to go, but I've not had much free time of late to research it. The climate is a vitally important ingredient in making portraits. Rainy season works best for people shots as the light is soft and diffused. Summer harsh light is the least attractive.
I guess right now, I'm looking for inspiration. I seldom have time these days to wander through other peoples portfolios: running a business, and working on your own photography is very intensive, sometimes too much so. I love it, but I think I'm needing to take a break, look around, see what's out there, and forge a new direction. Got any suggestions?