Limits always offer so much potential

Having all the gear you want, will not make you explore photography more. I’ve always found when I had less, or that there were restrictions to some of the gear I had, that I worked harder to get the images I wanted.


So I’ve been thinking about this whole stupid virus thing. Since March my entire business ground to a sudden halt, and I’ve had to think differently, offer different kinds of options in order to keep making a living.

I am convinced that adversity always bring forth new growth. And having things too comfortable just makes one complacent.

I’m already working on a two new books for next year. One is the wrapping up of an on-going project for the past six years, while the other will be an instructional book of sorts. It’s still early days but since there is no other income coming in right now, this is giving me focus.

Deadlines, limits, constraints are always good for pushing oneself forward.

But right now, I need some time off. I’ve been working flat out since March, and so I’m going to be quiet for a while now.