It’s always worth going back over the work you edited recently and trying to whittle the selection down to a more distilled set.
I gave myself the task of looking at the last three edit sessions with the aim of making six images per set.
I believe that less is more. But we often get overwhelmed by the ‘love-is-blind’ drug that races through our veins the moment we’ve finished editing some new work. I often find I love the work while doing it, but I pay attention to the work that tires over a few weeks. That is what’s known as ‘objectivity’. The rose tinted spectacles have come off, and although I don’t discard the other images fully (they are probably still worthy and quite nice), they perhaps aren’t as strong as the ones I end up with.
Fjallabak, Iceland September 2021
Assynt & Inverpolly, Scotland, October 2021
Isle of Harris, Scotland, October 2020