Low contrast mood

Sometimes, the colours in nature, are a bit more unnatural than we are used to seeing. Cameras record light linearly, but we see a compressed dynamic range. We also ‘filter out’ colour casts.

But I think there’s a place for low-mood, low-contrast work. It’s so easy to think that everything needs to live in a full tonal register from deep blacks and absolute whites. As much as I love high-key images, they don’t suit all subjects, and I think with this edit, the deliberate lower tonal registers add to the atmosphere and mood.

This image is slightly damaged - I’m unclear if it’s a light leak on my film back, or the processing. But that hasn’t stopped me from liking it. The Sepia tone - actually desaturated from the original transparency (I shoot film - Velvia 50), still looks a little ‘otherworldly’, which is exactly what I am aiming to do with most of my work.