Portfolio Development class 2022 - Six Images

I’ve finished working on my new video class. The first class will be published 2nd December. The class is now available to register for.

I’d love to offer a portfolio development class each summer while I am taking a break from my workshops. My view is that even if you’ve done the previous portfolio class, there is much value in repeating the same concepts and theories with a different set of images. Attending one class does not make an expert.

I have found that my 5-day Digital Darkroom workshop that I offer, many participants come back to repeat the class, and have told me that they find it a ‘good refresher’ to do each year.

If I had my way, I’d prefer / love for all my workshop participants to come on my Digital Darkroom workshop, or to attend one of these on-line tutorial classes, because then it would make for easier communication on my regular workshops. I think this is the foundation of what I do.

Six Images - Portfolio Class 2022

Portfolio Development 3-Lesson Mini Workshop

3 x 1-hour lessons on the art of building a cohesive set of images.

Price: £175

Recorded Lessons Package

This course consists of nine videos, and three Q&A sessions. You will learn how to edit and ‘tune’ your images to make a cohesive set.

Lesson 1 - Foundation

Containing 4 videos (total time 40 minutes)

This session contains four foundation classes on the concepts of editing.

1. editing in a nutshell
2. obtaining smooth tones & depth
3. compositional focus
4. creating 3D space

Q&A for Lesson 1

Lesson 2 - Four Images

Containing 4 videos (total time 1 hour)

This session contains four videos, each 15 minutes long, for each image edited and discussed.

1. Image One
2. Image Two
3. Image Three
4. Image Four

Q&A for Lesson 2

Lesson 3 - Final Images & Portfolio Tuning

Containing 3 videos (total time 1 hour)

1. Image Five
2. Image Six
3. Portfolio tuning

Q&A for Lesson 3

Six Images - Portfolio Class
One time