The Photographer's Ephemeris - a photo walk through

Preamble: I’ve chosen to switch comments on for this video. I would like to hear if you enjoyed the editing side of the presentation - which begins about half way through.

I’ve known Stephen Trainor, the developer of TPE (The Photographer’s Ephemeris) for more than a decade. We wrote an e-Book together which kept on selling and selling for a decade.

The Photographer’s Ephemeris has come a long way, and now has fantastic 3D maps and 3D sun and moon graphics.

Stephen asked me recently to explain how I came about my photo ‘Laguna Blanca Nocturne’.

And so here is a 10 minute video explaining my motivations behind the scene above.

I always check my locations before going as to where the sun will be. I had not anticipated getting such good light at this lagoon, as we often arrive in Bolivia (and close by this lagoon) around 11am at the start of my tour here.

This last May I felt blessed. The light was overcast, and soft. Ideal for midday shooting….. Glad I checked out TPE before I went….

Please do leave a comment if you enjoyed the edit session.