Just a regular day at the office

I was sent this today by my photo tour participant Steve Semper, from the Puna tour I did in 2019, in Argentina. A good group of folks, and this is shot just after a sunrise visit I think.

Image below is of my guide ‘Pancho’, whom I’ve known now for about seven years. This shot was made at the labyrinth area. I have had to work hard to find vantage points here that work at sunset. Last visit I felt I cracked it, and now we are able to get good light on these hills of clay at the most beautiful time of evening.

I often feel that on the finished portfolios I publish on my website, there is no scope to show you all the distances and the varieties of landscapes we pass through on our way to the places I like to shoot for sunrise and sunset.

It is often an adventure. This is one of the three Hilux vehicles we travel in as a group.

Many thanks to Steve for getting in touch today and sending these to me. It is a nice thing to go back and remember the tours I do.